Friday 21 March 2008

Celebrate the hope of Easter

Alastair speaks on Good Friday

l63f0b4dfc62df6039cf341325080f3f6.jpgSticking plasters and antiseptic are great for cuts and grazes, but when life leaves you feeling battered and bruised inside you can't exactly bandage yourself up. can you?

So you put a brave face on it. You hold your head up high and battle on, even though you're hurting. And if you're honest, you probable add to your injuries by beating yourself up about them, too.

But there's help at hand.

Jesus Christ is the best rescue remedy for out concerns and spiritual ills - and all that life throws at us. He knows about the worries that wear us down, the things we've done to hurt others as well as ourselves. He wants to clean us up and set us back on out feet again.

This Easter gives you the opportunity to find out why Jesus really is the best medicine for heavy hearts.

Come and join us at church and discover how he can help you.

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