Sunday 16 March 2008

Should Christians Drink? - What the Bible says on alcohol

Lucas continues our 'Big Questions' series looking at the controversial subject of Christians consuming alcohol

Lucas speaks on what the Bible says about alcohol - Galatians 5

Should Christians Drink?
What does the Bible say about alcohol?

There are differences of opinion in regard to Christians and the use of alcohol, but all Bible believing
Christians believe the bible teaches addiction to alcohol is sinful. (1 Cor. 6:12, 2 Peter 2:19)
The Bible is also very clear that being drunk is a sin:

Biblical prohibitions against drunkenness

Drunkenness is a sin - Deut 21:20; Eccl 10:17; Luke 12:45; 21:34; Rom 13:13; I Cor 5:11; Eph 5:18; I Peter 4:3
No priest was to drink alcohol while performing his duties (Lev 10:9; Ezek 44:21), though he could consume while not working– Num 18:12, 27, 30
No king was to drink while judging the law– Prov 31:4-5
An elder or minister cannot be a drunkard– I Tim 3:3; Titus 1:7
No Drunkard will inherit the kingdom of God - I Cor 6:10; Gal 5:21

Biblical problems caused by drunkenness

Incest - Gen 19:32-35
Violence - Prov 4:17
Adultery - Rev 17:2
Mocking & brawling - Prov 20:1
Poverty - Prov 21:17
Late night & early morning drinking - Isa 5:11-12
Hallucinations - Isa 28:7
Injustice - Isa 5:22
Murder - 2 Sam 11:13-15
Gluttony & Poverty - Prov 23:20-21
Vomiting - Jer 25:27; 48:26; Isa 19:14
Staggering - Jer 25:27; Psalm 107:27; Job 12:25
Madness - Jer 51:7
Prolonged sleep - Jer 51:39
Nakedness - Hab 2:15; Lam 4:21
Laziness - Joel 1:5
Escapism - Hos 4:11
Depression -Luke 21:34
Staying up to party all night - I thess 5:7
Debauchery - Eph 5:18

Three Positions on Alcohol:
Prohibitionist: Wrongly teach that all drinking of alcohol is a sin and alcohol is itself evil. Some falsely argue that the wine spoken of positively in the Bible is non– alcoholic grape juice.
Text to consider: Ps 104:14-15; John 2:10; Num 6:1-4; Deut 14:22-26

Abstentionist: Wrongly teach that drinking is not sinful, but all Christians should avoid drinking out of love for others and a desire not to cause anyone to stumble.
Text to consider: Hosea 2:8; Matt 11:19; 1 Tim 4:1-5; 1 Cor 10:31

Moderationists: Rightly teach that drinking is not sinful, And that each person must let his conscience, which the Holy Spirit works through, to guide them without judging others.
Text to consider: 1 Sam 1:14,24; 25:18, 37; Ps 104:14-15; Eccl 9:7; 10:19; Joel 2:24; 3:18; Isa 25:6; 27:2-6;
Jer 31:12; Hosea 2:9; 2:22; Amos 9:13-14; Jer 48:33; Lam 2:12; Joel 1:10; Hag 2:16; Gen 27:28; Deut 7:13;
Isa 55:1; Zech 9:17

Biblical Occasions to Drink Alcohol in Moderation

Celebration - Gen 14:17-20 Thanksgiving to God - Prov 3:9-10
The Lord’s Supper - Matt 26:29; Mark 14:25; Luke 22:18 Rejoicing – Deut 14:26
Medicinal purposes - Prov 31:6; 1 Tim 5:23

Four Questions to ask:

What does the Bible say? Universal sin - All people, all times.
What does my Conscience say? Particular sin– Some people, some times.
What does my Weakness require? My struggles, temptations etc…
What does my Friend require? Freedom not first priority.

Text to consider: Gal 5; 1 Cor 8; Rom 14

In the Essentials: Unity
In the Non– Essentials: Liberty
In All Things: Charity

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